Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Hybrid Light Source from Casio

casio green slim projectorsCasio’s new Green Slim Projectors have the potential to change the projector world. They have discovered and produced the first mercury-free light source that is completely capable of high-brightness projection. This is definitely a finding that is going to draw a lot of attention.

So what’s the difference between the mercury lamps and the new Casio Green Slim Hybrid light source? Well, I’m glad that you asked! Mercury lamps are the light source that comes standard right now in most home theater and business projectors. When it comes to brightness, mercury lamps certainly deliver, but one of the big issues with this type of light source is that it needs to be replaced about every 3,000 hours. These lamps also have the potential to leak harmful materials into the ground if they are not disposed of correctly.

There are other light sources that certain projectors utilize such as LED and lasers, but these sources have their share of issues as well. Although these sources are much better for the environment, until recently they could not be used as a light source except for very small, low lumen projectors. For some reason, people couldn’t figure out how to get the color green to project with these light sources. A high-output method could not be discovered to mass produce the green lighting.

So how has Casio changed all of this around? Well their new Hybrid light source utilizes a laser, a fluorescent element, and an LED. The results of this intriguing combination are a clear, crisp, 2,000 to 2,500 lumen picture. Unlike mercury lamps, Casio’s new Hybrid light source doesn’t burn out. It is estimated that after 6,000 hours of use it could save the average user close to $800 over a projector using a mercury lamp. This isn’t the only thing that’s great about the new projector with the Hybrid light source. There is also an instant off function so you don’t have to wait for the projector to cool down, the projector and light source are backed by a 3-year warranty, it’s the thinnest high brightness projector available, it weighs a mere 5 pounds, and it features a USB host function, wireless PC communication capabilities, and a HDMI terminal.

The new line of Green Slim projectors from Casio starts at only $799. These are projectors that are definitely worth looking into.

Check out the other new projector technology that is emerging right now.

Source: The Projector People
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