Thursday, July 29, 2010

New HD Projector Screen from Screen Innovations

Screen InnovationsIf you are one of those people out there who loves to watch movies at home via projector, just as if you were at the movies, then take a moment to examine your projector screen. If you are noticing ridges, waves, bumps or any type of texture whatsoever then it is high time you upgrade. And if you have a 1080p high definition projector then there is no excuse, you HAVE to upgrade.

But you may be asking yourself, "Upgrade to what?" Well that is a very good question and thanks to the brilliant minds over at Screen Innovations we now have an answer: HD projection screen material. Yeah, you just read that right. Specialized projection screen material specifically designed for HD viewing.

The thing is, screen texture can have a serious affect on your HD viewing. If your screen has too many bumps and ridges in it then you can expect your picture quality to diminish making it seem softer. The standard screen you have hoisted up on your wall now could actually be holding your 1080p projector back. Thankfully we all have Screen Innovations.

Screen Innovations has developed a new embossed HD projector screen material that is completely smooth to the human eye. This new screen gives you the ultimate HD projector viewing experience. And for those of you that like options, Screen Innovations has developed multiple HD screens including the popular Solar and Gamma fixed screens as well as Screen Innovation's motorized line.

Pricing on these screens, however, can get a little steep. A 39.3"x69.8"x80.1" Gamma Fixed Screen can run up to $1,200, a 45.2"x80.3"x92.15" Solar Fixed Screen can run up to $1,500 and a 45"x80"x91.79" Motorized Screen can run you up to $1,700. All of these screens are available now.

Looking for an Affordable LCD Projector Rental then call 800-736-8772 today. Ask about the newest type of projector whose appeal is "all in the mirrors" and see if a DLP Projector Rental is right for you.

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